
Pyo Soo Ah - Epilogue

Hello. I am Pyo Soo Ah who is one of 3rd  interns.

I still keep the memory of internship of Bergé in my heart. It was really unforgettable experience. speaking of my recent life, I have been busy since I got a job. I am working at Korea Institute of Fire industry & Technology. Now I am in charge of accounting part in my office. It's very funny. when I studied accounting, I used to hate that subject!  I can tell you that most colleague who I have met are really into their job and life. It was very impressive to me.  It also helped to me a lot to decide job.

Working in the office.
I worked in Berge Infraestructuras y Servicios Logisticos, shipbroker department. It is one of the most busiest department and almost coworkers are very good at speaking English. It is a meaningful experience for students who are very interested in chartering. However, if interns do not have basic knowledge of trade, it is hard to get experiences of real field. I studied acronym of trade and words of a charter to understand business of our department.

After work.
Time flies. 5weeks are very short time but I was able to experience many things. All of Bergé workers take care for us all the times. We can easily settle in new workplace in Bergé because of friendly coworkers. I still remember first Madrid tour and football match. Various tours helped us understand culture of Spain . The more I knew about Spain, The more I was interested in everything of Spain. I learned from coworkers who put a lot of energy and passion into their work. Staying in Spain is the most memorable time and influenced to my life. I am really appreciate to every one who helped me and gave chances work in Bergé.


51st Madrid Fashion Week & ACRO

Bergé group provides participants with a file containing useful information to live in Madrid. The file also introduces various activities participants can do in the weekend.
Bergé y Cía is a big company in Spain, so particiapants can get the invitation tickets for ARCO(Art Contemporary in Spain) for free.
It is satisfactory in itself to appreciate classic pieces from galleries like Museo del Prado while staying in Madrid, but to see some modern art pieces in a famous art event can be an interesting experience as well.
Art works from all around the world are displayed and we felt proud to find a booth only composed of pieces from Korea.

Fashion week is one of the major cultural events in Madrid as well.
All the fashion models, students, celebrities show up at Madrid fashion week, and ordinary women also shows great excitement at this event.
You can see the most gorgeous women in Spain at the Madrid fashion week, and if you are interested in fashion or brand marketing, it will be a very useful experience.


The last trip that Bergé 3rd interns took was also the last chance to make memories with Borja, who helped both materially and spiritually for 5 weeks of intenrship program.
All of us were so close to one another, and promised not to forget this memory.
We were all crying even though you can only see smiling faces in the pictures.


Salamanca is the city where the oldest university in Spain is located.
About a half of its population is young college students, so the city is renowned as a seat of learning.
It was a precious experience for us to visit a city where young people of our generation are studying.


Participants get the chance to visit a city in every weekend while interning in Spain.
The first city to visit was Toledo, former capital of Spain.
It is a medival-style city where the time stands still.
The trip was very comfortable because Bergé group provided us with Borja, the mentor, and English speaking guide and a driver.
Bergé group offers all the traveling expenses.

Real Madrid Stadium

Bergé group has offered an opportunity to watch a soccer match at the stadium of the world's best soccer club, Real Madrid. 
Even local Spanish people have hard time getting the tickets, which are also very expensive. 
The match was so wonderful that even all the female students were totally intrigued by the game. 

It was a match between powerful teams, Real Madrid and Sevilla.  
After lagging behind two to nothing, Real Madrid was able to turn the tables in the second half. 
Home fans of Real Madrid team were also happy to see the best match in the last few years.


Spain and countires in South America import cars rather than produce automobiles.
Bergé automotive, the core business sector of Bergé group, distributes automobiles made in foreign countries to Spain and South America.
Bergé automotive has a great influence in Spain and South America, despite the slight difference by countries.

Bergé group owns about 8 distribution centers in Spain for foreign-made vehicles, and the internship students had the chance to visit Clempozuelos, the closest distribution center to the headquater in Madrid. 
They were given a briefing on Bergé automative there.