
Pyo Soo Ah - Epilogue

Hello. I am Pyo Soo Ah who is one of 3rd  interns.

I still keep the memory of internship of Bergé in my heart. It was really unforgettable experience. speaking of my recent life, I have been busy since I got a job. I am working at Korea Institute of Fire industry & Technology. Now I am in charge of accounting part in my office. It's very funny. when I studied accounting, I used to hate that subject!  I can tell you that most colleague who I have met are really into their job and life. It was very impressive to me.  It also helped to me a lot to decide job.

Working in the office.
I worked in Berge Infraestructuras y Servicios Logisticos, shipbroker department. It is one of the most busiest department and almost coworkers are very good at speaking English. It is a meaningful experience for students who are very interested in chartering. However, if interns do not have basic knowledge of trade, it is hard to get experiences of real field. I studied acronym of trade and words of a charter to understand business of our department.

After work.
Time flies. 5weeks are very short time but I was able to experience many things. All of Bergé workers take care for us all the times. We can easily settle in new workplace in Bergé because of friendly coworkers. I still remember first Madrid tour and football match. Various tours helped us understand culture of Spain . The more I knew about Spain, The more I was interested in everything of Spain. I learned from coworkers who put a lot of energy and passion into their work. Staying in Spain is the most memorable time and influenced to my life. I am really appreciate to every one who helped me and gave chances work in Bergé.


51st Madrid Fashion Week & ACRO

Bergé group provides participants with a file containing useful information to live in Madrid. The file also introduces various activities participants can do in the weekend.
Bergé y Cía is a big company in Spain, so particiapants can get the invitation tickets for ARCO(Art Contemporary in Spain) for free.
It is satisfactory in itself to appreciate classic pieces from galleries like Museo del Prado while staying in Madrid, but to see some modern art pieces in a famous art event can be an interesting experience as well.
Art works from all around the world are displayed and we felt proud to find a booth only composed of pieces from Korea.

Fashion week is one of the major cultural events in Madrid as well.
All the fashion models, students, celebrities show up at Madrid fashion week, and ordinary women also shows great excitement at this event.
You can see the most gorgeous women in Spain at the Madrid fashion week, and if you are interested in fashion or brand marketing, it will be a very useful experience.


The last trip that Bergé 3rd interns took was also the last chance to make memories with Borja, who helped both materially and spiritually for 5 weeks of intenrship program.
All of us were so close to one another, and promised not to forget this memory.
We were all crying even though you can only see smiling faces in the pictures.


Salamanca is the city where the oldest university in Spain is located.
About a half of its population is young college students, so the city is renowned as a seat of learning.
It was a precious experience for us to visit a city where young people of our generation are studying.


Participants get the chance to visit a city in every weekend while interning in Spain.
The first city to visit was Toledo, former capital of Spain.
It is a medival-style city where the time stands still.
The trip was very comfortable because Bergé group provided us with Borja, the mentor, and English speaking guide and a driver.
Bergé group offers all the traveling expenses.

Real Madrid Stadium

Bergé group has offered an opportunity to watch a soccer match at the stadium of the world's best soccer club, Real Madrid. 
Even local Spanish people have hard time getting the tickets, which are also very expensive. 
The match was so wonderful that even all the female students were totally intrigued by the game. 

It was a match between powerful teams, Real Madrid and Sevilla.  
After lagging behind two to nothing, Real Madrid was able to turn the tables in the second half. 
Home fans of Real Madrid team were also happy to see the best match in the last few years.


Spain and countires in South America import cars rather than produce automobiles.
Bergé automotive, the core business sector of Bergé group, distributes automobiles made in foreign countries to Spain and South America.
Bergé automotive has a great influence in Spain and South America, despite the slight difference by countries.

Bergé group owns about 8 distribution centers in Spain for foreign-made vehicles, and the internship students had the chance to visit Clempozuelos, the closest distribution center to the headquater in Madrid. 
They were given a briefing on Bergé automative there.  

Cuzcurrita Winery

Winery in possession of Bergé group

Many people travel to Europe, but only few of them have been to Spain.
It is even rarer to visit a winery in Spain, which is one of the greatest wine producing countires along with France and Italy.
As a matter of fact, it is such an extraordinary experience to spend a night in a castle located in La Rioja, where the best bottles of Spanish wine are produced.

Bergé group has a winery called Cuzcurrita in La Rioja area, and 3rd participants of Bergé-CAU internship program were able to visit this winery when trained in Spain.
They could never forget spending a night in a castle of an aristocratic family for generations.

PAK Ju Kyung - Epilogue

Hola! This is one of participations in 3rd International talent program. This program gave me wonderful time with work experience, culture activity and academic course. There were 10 participations from Korea and Japan. We lived in one apartment building with each one’s room.

Working in the office.
I worked in Controlling department, BISL(Berge Infraestructuras y Servicios Logisticos). BISL is one of affiliates of Berge group. I was in charge of managing and reporting accounting information of affiliates of BISL. I studied business administration, especially finance. This is why I was placed in controlling depart. All coworkers are friendly. My mentor, Carlos is head of the controlling depart. He helped me to understand work in the office, explaining their business and process of the work. Even while he was very busy, he was always happy to answer my questions. I have been getting to learn the work. Ana, one of my coworker, kindly let me know the skills in working with computer programs such as OSOFT and SAP. These are useful computer program to handle accounting information. I was well treated in the office. Every morning I had coffee with them. I felt very comfortable in the office.

Other activities in International talent program.
The International Talent Program also included Spanish class, managerial course and weekend city trip. We had Spanish classes two times a week. I could improve my Spanish in the academy with highly qualified teacher. Managerial course was about the interpersonal skills and time management. We had activities in the course and talked about teamwork, making priority in the office. Also we visited many cities around Madrid at every Saturday with a guide. We are provided with safe and convenient trip service.

About myself
I had exchange student experience in Finland. Spending time with Spanish friend, I have got interest in Spanish culture. When I found the notice about this Intership program, I thought ‘this is total package! It has all of thing I need, global working experience and Spanish culture. Applying this program was not easy. There was many paper works in English, professor’s recommendation. But it was totally worth for this program. This was one of the most memorable time in my life. Now with this experience, I can have more confident to start my career.
  I traveled around southern spain and other European cities. With my poor Spanish, I communicated with local people. I also visited some cities to see my friends who I met in exchange student life. It was delight to see them again in their cities.
I would like to express my appreciation to Berge group giving me this great experience.


Kim Ji Sun - Epilogue

I am Kim Ji Sun who is a member of “The 3rd Berge International Talent Program”. I applied this program when I was in a third grade for experiencing “real” global business which would be helpful to decide my future career. After learning and experiencing a lot from a business manner to a Spanish culture through this internship program, I could find “new me” and sure what I really want to do in the future. Now, I really appreciate to this program for giving me this valuable chance and strongly recommend this program to every student who has a challenging spirit and wants to be an “Internationally- talented-leader”!

Where I worked in
I worked for 5 weeks as an intern in IT department of “Berge Y Cia.” which is the administrative group of the corporation. Each business group such as “AUTO” and “Logistic” has its own IT administrative system and the IT department where I worked manages and supports all those groups’ IT system. So I could learn about corporations’ whole business area and organization structure. It was a great chance!

What I did
I was in charge of assisting a printer replacement project of the whole corporation. I analyzed the existing state of printing devices of the whole groups and what kind of benefits a different printing model or system could bring to the company. I used the web application for analyzing the data and conducted an on spot inspection. I also had some interviews with other groups’ IT managers to know real problem. Providing this information to the IT device providers and communicate with them through an e-mail and a telephone was also on my duty. I participated and presented at the meeting for purchasing negotiation with the IT device vendors to provide the required information. Through these experiences, I could learn corporations’ work process and global business manner.

Special Points of the Berge International Talent Program
I strongly recommend this internship program following these reasons.
First of all, I could experience “real” work process. My mentor and colleagues gave me all the chances and supported me to do my own projects independently. I could be helped and supported by them when I faced difficulties and get valuable advices. I could learn practical work skills and knowledge every moment through participating in vendor meetings, contacting with other departments’ manager and vendors, and giving a presentation to my mentor once a week etc.
Second, there are various programs which were well prepared previously for intern students. I could feel how much company consider the sakes of the students. Intern students had a high quality of “Managerial Course” and “Spanish Class” every week and these classes were really educational and instructive. We also had a chance for visiting corporations’ one of the major business group “Logistic” and could see and learn about business and real facilities. From experiencing those programs, I got an impression that company really cares intern students’ ability improvement. Besides the programs already mentioned, there were lots of fun and exciting programs. We took every week trip to other famous cities and watched Real Madrid football game.
Plus, perfect accommodation provided by the corporation and a chance to work with kind Spanish colleagues and Japanese intern students who are also a member of “The International Talent Program” are one of the reasons why I strongly recommend this program.

After the program
After finishing the program, I traveled European countries and came back to Korea. Now I am a senior in college and dreaming of working at a trading company. I took Spanish class for improving my Spanish skills and international business course on last semester. These days, I am finding opportunities for getting a job. I had a few job interviews before and interviewers were deeply interested in my internship experience in Madrid. I hope to update on my situation related to get a job in the near future!


Reunion Bergé intern 3rd&4th

We had a great time with old-bergé interns(3rd) and new-bergé interns(4th). We had a big dinner party at a sushi restaurant which is near Chung-ang unversity.
We could have a chance to know and be familiar with each other. New-bergé interns could get various information about not only INTERNATIONAL TALENT PROGRAM but also SPAIN from old-bergé interns. 
22. Nov. 2010

CAHE Jung Won - Prologue

Going to Spain, learning the language, and working in a foreign company… those are some of the goals I set up in my life. As a senior university student, I am at the point of finally realizing my dream. My major is English language and I have worked as a part-time English teacher for several years. Now I am eager to expand my career spectrum by CAU- Bergé international talent program. I will be working in 'the human resources department of Bergé Infraestructuras  y Servicios Logísticos (BISL)'.

I am a skilled communicator and instructor with flexibility to adjust new settings and work under high-pressure environment. While working as a teacher, I learned how to be meet people’s needs and give them effective advice, not to mention the conversation skills. I hope my own experience can bring positive influence to the internship program.

Also, I have always been passionate about learning foreign languages and actually took several Spanish courses in high school and college. I am looking forward to working in a foreign-affiliated company and that is why I try to learn other languages including English and Spanish. When I was in 16, I went to the U.S. by myself to study English and experience different culture. I adjusted pretty well in spite of language problems and emotional hardships.

My hobby is playing musical instrument and write songs. I played the keyboard in a band from 2006-2007 and had many performances including rock festivals and college events. Our band had our own concert in 2007 and made an album by ourselves. I learned to cooperate with people at that time. Playing music is the best way to relive stress for me as well.

and I hope this experience would be a great steppingstone for my career.


JUNG Su ji - Prologue

Hello, Everyone. My name is Susie Jung, but it is OK for you to call me Erika, my Spanish name I got a while ago. Firstly, I want to say I am so glad to have the opportunity to work with the great company, Bergé group. I will work at "Human Resources Department in Bergé & Cia"

Let me briefly introduce myself.
I really like working in efficient way. I always think the most efficient and practical way to solve a problem. That was why l leaded the team of 7 team member from 5 different countries and won the 2nd prize in a business strategy competition of Havard business conference in 2009. The certificate on computer which I have will also contribute to work efficiently.

I am happy I am going to work in HR department. I have some background in HR field. It is not only because my major and minor, public administration and business administration, are related to that but also I got the HR certificate from University of California, Riverside. It was meaningful course since it dealt with the practical knowledge with many workers there.

My most important strength is open minded personality. With an exchange student experience, different types of club activity (yacht club, voluntary teaching club and debating club), I got to have great socializing skills and communication skills. I am sure that I can get close to you very easily. And that is what I really want to get through this program!

I am so longing for meeting you. I am so excited to make one of the greatest memories ever.
I am ready!

JANG yeon jeong - Prologue

Hola! I am JANG Yeonjeong. You can call me 'yeonjeong' or 'Martha'. I will work at "Ssangyong Spain". I am so pleased to have a chance to experience the International Talent Program of Bergé group. I am majoring in Business Administration at the university with a great interest in Human Resource and International Sales. For this reason I especially focused on international affairs related to my major, and I usually performed diverse international experiences.

  I organized international programs at Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry(KCCI), HRD Department as an intern. I organized Human resource information and assisted in the work of recruiting. After only two weeks of internship period, I was given a responsibility to coordinate an HRD project for international public officials. I successfully arranged an important government training program for Ethiopian and Vietnamese.

 I have great interest in volunteering so I acted as a volunteer of teaching computer and Korean in the Philippines. As a gregarious and friendly person, I settled in new environment quickly. I put lots of energy in to teaching computer programs and introducing Korean culture. As a result efforts, Mayor granted us a Plaque of Appreciation show gratitude. I will bring same energy and enthusiasm into professional circumstances at Bergé.

Inspirational experience working at Bergé will be a blue print for my business career. I hope to have memorial time with you.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

CHOI Hyung In - Prologue

I am a senior at Chung-Ang University in Seoul and am majoring in Business Administration. I will work at "Financial department Hyundai Truck & Bus in Spain".

I studied accounting to attain the KICPA (The Korea Institute of Certified Public Accountant) license. I passed this exam and attained my KICPA license in 2009. Being in university, I haven’t had much opportunity to work with a company before, but I can assure you I am a confident, hard-working and sociable character who I think can made a great addition to your company. I enjoy learning new things and can work calmly under pressure. In the future, I am very keen to work for a global company and am looking forward to being in an environment where I can meet many people from different countries.

I love Spain due to two reasons. When I was in England to learn English, I had some Spanish friends. I remember that all of Spanish friends of mine were so friendly and kind that I could  keep a nice memory of them. Moreover, I am only one who traveled to Spain among us. I visited to Spain when Spain international team won the WORLD CUP in 2010. So I had a fantastic party in Spain after Spain international team won the WORLD CUP. These two things made me have nice memory of Spain. NOW I’m looking forward to working with you and visiting Spain again.
I thank you for your time and consideration.